Well, I have been absent from my little ol' blog for quite some time now...I was frantically pulling all the pieces together for my husband's 40th birthday party which took place on the 22nd. It was a lot of work and organizing, but well worth it for the fun that was had by all. I had engineered a couple of surprises with regards to his birthday, and I pulled them all off!!! Yay!
This post is just to share a few photos of my paper crafting work that I put into the party.
Place cards:
Cake topper: (Note that it this was extra poignant because it was surrounded by 40 flaming candles...lots of HOT!! ;)
And of course, the actual birthday card: (invitations were posted separately in a long-winded post
An interior detail of the card:
And a close-up so the glimmery brown paper can be seen more clearly:
And here's just a little bit of fun to share (not paper crafted, but wonderful just the same)...I had asked guests to bring small & creative gifts that related to 40 somehow. My awesome grandma thought & thought until she came up with something super fun & creative. She hunted high & low on the net to find candy rocks, then ordered up a TON of them. Then she found a marble-looking box and loaded it up with these candy/chocolate rocks of all shapes/sizes/colors. She typed up a paper in WordArt that said "40 Sucks...don't you believe it!" Then on the inside of the box filled with rocks there was another paper that said, "40 Rocks!" It was so fun that I'm putting a picture here:
Well, I guess that's about it for the 40th birthday party stuff and my paper crafted contributions to it....whew! Luckily, this kind of labor need only happen every 10th milestone birthday... :)
anyone happens to read this post and is interested in what supplies I used, feel free to email me or post a question in the comments.